The City of Cape Town had a vision to upgrade the sport facilities at the old Green Point Track, this project was already initiated in 2010. The key approach to this upgrading of a historical ground and area was to memorialize the track.
It was identified that public art as a physical intervention will play a significant role in the upgrading, mainly to visually portray and commemorate the rich social and cultural history of the track as well as the relevance of Cape Town’s sporting history.
The public art project was seen as integral to the design of the new entrance forecourt and clubhouse facility. The idea to have a series of sculptural figures to symbolize themes were decided upon, it was crucial to take the significance and sensitiveness of the area into account.
The commissioning of an artist to contribute towards this and work within a proposed format with a fresh and original approach was the ideal.
Artvark’s designer team Theresa Jo and CP Wessels were the chosen artists to take on this challenge to contribute with their input of being original, unique and creative.
With the selection of several main themes that related to the historical reference of the Green Point Track and its geographical placement, a period of 400years were considered.
To read more about the project and the artists approach, please click on either of the icons to view the pdf file in medium or hi-res.