Lizrae Meyer

Lizrae works and lives in Cape Town, South Africa.
A long and satisfying career in graphic design has made way for a more relaxing path into painting and ceramics. She paints in the abstract and makes contemporary ceramics.
Her ceramic process is a simple one. Hand building with a variety of clay bodies, rarely glazing her work, as she finds charm and honesty in the rawness of the clay. Most of her ceramics are non-functional objects, that comfort and delight. Whenever she makes a ceramic object she is reminded that an ordinary material (clay/porcelain) and a simple process (firing) can create an extraordinary effect, feeling or shape. And therein lies the joy of what she does.
She has paid her dues with proper crockery, designing and making limited restaurant editions.
Career highlights include exhibiting at 1000VASES, Milano Design Week, Italy in September 2021, with a published catalogue, a two-month residency (April/May 2024) at FACC in Faenza, Italy, and a solo exhibition at the Paperoowl Gallery in Venice (June 2024).
Available works
This installation of Dancing Vessels is about ILLUSION:
“Def:- a misleading image presented to the vision : optical illusion. (2) : something that deceives or misleads intellectually. b(1) : perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature.”
They are EMPTY, yet FULL of joy.
They cast shadows and dance, by standing still.
They are more than what meets the eye.
They are empty AND full.

Dancing Vases
Set of three

Small Dancing Cups
R950 each​​​​​​

Dancing Vases
R1,900 each​​​​​​

* Adjective - 1. something or someone that is quirky is rather odd or unpredictable in their appearance, character, or behaviour.
* 2. Unusual in an attractive and interesting way.
This range of Terra cotta vessels is a quirky version of
Frank Gehry meets Goddess Ceramica.
The terra cotta is fired at 1120°C
I love the optical nonchalance, that belies the technicalities of these pieces.
Large - R 2400
Small - R 1900 each